Planes of Fame Air Museum
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2nd of March, 2024

This Saturday – March 2, 2024 – we’re thrilled to present the “Flying Demo” of one of the rarest aircraft currently flying – the 1934 Boeing P-26A “Peashooter.”  We’ll kick off this special day with “Hangar Talk” and its line-up of engaging stories from aviation’s past.

Doors to the Museum will open at 9:00am.  Regular admission prices are in effect and Museum Members always get in free!


Hangar Talk Begins at 10:30am

Here’s what’s in store for “Hangar Talk” . . .

The Endearing Little “Peashooter”

When it made its debut in 1934, it was considered “state-of-the-art.”  All metal, single-wing, fast, and nimble – the future of military fighter aircraft.  Within just a few years, it would be obsolete – surpassed by rapidly advancing technology.  But the Peashooters “soldiered” on and earned their place in aviation history.  Never widely produced, today there are only two surviving original examples – one on display in the Smithsonian’s Air & Space Museum in Washington, and the Museum’s P-26A which will take to the skies today as part of our “Flying Demo.”  The Museum’s Adam Estes will take us through the engaging history of the “Peashooter” and show how this last surviving flying aircraft is indeed an “international treasure.”


We Celebrate Women in Aviation

Women have been a part of aviation history since the industry’s birth.  But theirs has not been an easy journey as time and again, women have had to overcome sexism and other restrictions in order to earn their place alongside their male counterparts in the cockpit and in the industry.  With next week marking “Women of Aviation Worldwide Week,” we’ll look back at the challenges and the accomplishments of several female aviators over the past one-hundred plus years to see how they have blazed a trail to open doors and opportunities for others.



TED Talk – Richard Bong: “The Soldier Bears the Deepest Wounds”

The Museum’s Ted Mount continues his look at the Aces of World War II with his glimpse into America’s “Ace of Aces” Richard Bong.  This is a story of a man who threw himself completely into whatever job lay before him.  As a fighter pilot, his daring and skills resulted in 40 aerial victories.  But these accomplishments came at a cost and Ted will look at Bong’s life through this lens.  We’ll meet a true American war hero who always answered his nation’s call – regardless of the consequences.




Flying Demo of the Boeing P-26A “Peashooter”

At 12:15pm, Scott Cassells of the Museum will present the “Flying Demo” of the Museum’s very rare Boeing P-26A “Peashooter – the last remaining flying example of this beautiful aircraft.  Echoing Adam’s Hangar Talk presentation, Scott will briefly detail the history of the P-26 with special emphasis on the details surrounding this particular aircraft. 

Following Scott’s presentation, Pilot Johnny Maloney will fire up the 500 horsepower Pratt & Whitney radial engine directly in front of the crowd.  The Peashooter will taxi away and Scott will hold our Member’s Only Raffle Drawing for some great prizes, including a flight in one of the Museum’s World War II-era trainers.  Then Johnny will delight us with an aerial demonstration of the Peashooter with a flight over the Museum for twenty minutes.  Upon return, guests may meet and ask questions of Johnny and learn first-hand what it’s like to fly one of worlds’ rarest aircraft. 


In addition to all of the above, we’ll have food trucks on hand, the Gift Shop is stocked with plenty of great items, our Museum Guides will tell you the stories of the Museum and its world-renowned collection, they’ll be fun for the kids, and our B-17 will be open for visitors to tour the inside.  A great way to spend the day at Planes of Fame!


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Hangar Talk - Featuring the Flying Demo of th Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis
Hangar Talk and Flying Demo of the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15bis - Learn more »
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